This is what concerns me the most:
“I have already been alerted to the presence of fish and fungus by local fishing guides, a concerning thing to see given that it’s only June with plenty of water and cool weather,” said Brian Wheeler, the executive director of The Big Hole River Foundation.
“There’s something else going on here besides flow,” said Jim Olsen in recent Zoom call, Big Hole fisheries biologist for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
There could be a whole host of factors affecting trout numbers besides high water temperatures and low flow, including rare diseases, fungus outbreaks, parasites, algal blooms, fire retardants, or possibly a condition they haven’t discovered and don’t have the tools to identify because it is so novel.
Flow is undoubtedly a part of it, but it also seems like something more is going on as well. I hope that they put their finger on it quickly, and address it.